Pretrial and Prosecutor Diversion

These diversion programs are developed for individuals who may be detained and face an initial hearing. The diversion options focus on identifying and connecting individuals to treatment and other services.
Prevention and Early Intervention for Youth
Transforming Systems There are several interventions that have been shown to prevent or reduce delinquency of youths involved in the juvenile justice system, and others that have been shown to prevent or reduce the impact of child maltreatment for youths in the child welfare system. Early intervention can prevent the onset of delinquent behavior, support […]

Reentry programming provides transition planning and support to people with mental and substance use disorders who are returning to the community after incarceration in jail or prison.
TN Recovery Oriented Compliance Strategy (TN ROCS)

TN-ROCS Program is a court diversion strategy that serves justice-involved adults who have mental illness, co-occurring disorders, or substance abuse disorders.
Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts

Tribal Healing to Wellness Programs provide access to holistic, structured and phased, substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation services that incorporate culture and tradition.
Veterans Treatment Courts

Veteran Treatment Courts (VTCs) are an alternative to incarceration for certain justice-involved veterans who have a diagnosis of mental health and/or substance abuse problem.
Youth Diversion Programs

The purpose of youth diversion programs is to redirect juvenile offenders from the justice system through programming, supervision, and supports. Youth diversion programs are designed to provide youth with experiences that are different from traditional juvenile justice experiences.