- May 2021
- Tribal Law and Policy Institute
Transforming Systems > Court-Based Interventions > Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts
Tribal Healing to Wellness Programs provide access to holistic, structured and phased, substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation services that incorporate culture and tradition. Rather than trying to adapt to the constraints of non-Native systems, there is a growing recognition that interventions guided by Native strengths, cultural values, and beliefs reduce harm associated with high-risk behaviors such as substance use. Communities can refer adult and youth to appropriate treatment, while promoting safety, accountability, and restorative approaches that promote individual healing and increase resilience. This collaborative and culturally grounded approach also includes opportunities for youth to build their skills and set individualized goals. Teams provide mentorship and support through ongoing case management that promotes positive and healthy outcomes for youth, families, and their communities.
Below is a list of funding opportunities that have been previously available from federal and private funding sources. Please note that although the funding deadlines may have passed, they can still be reviewed and considered for future planning purposes. You can check back often on the Announcements page for current funding opportunities as they are announced.
Many federal agencies and other partners offer assistance, in addition to grant funding, to jurisdictions, agencies and stakeholders to address training needs or the need for subject matter expertise to address local issues or challenges. Through these resources, you can access recent publications, tools, often request one-on-one remote or offsite assistance. Examples of assistance can include time with trainings, consulting time with subject matter experts, and/or opportunities for connecting with peers doing similar work.
The Tribal Law and Policy Institute supports the Tribal Healing to Wellness Court Training and Technical Assistance project which includes onsite and offsite technical assistance, regional and national trainings, a publication series, and a webinar series. This project – currently funded under a grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance – includes the WellnessCourts.org website which serves as a resource center for project resources and contains relevant law and policy updates for Tribal Healing to Wellness Courts.
The Tribal Law and Policy Institute, in partnership with the National Native Children’s Trauma Center, also serves as the Training and Technical Assistance provider for OJJDP Tribal Youth Programs and Tribal Juvenile Healing to Wellness Courts grantees, as well as to all interested federally recognized tribes. This free training and technical assistance center is designed to help expand tribes’ potential in protecting and nurturing their most sacred asset – tribal youth – through a culturally based and trauma informed lens. The Tribal Youth Resource Center accomplishes this mission through a variety of regional trainings, web-based trainings, onsite trainings, and teleconference consultations ranging from court development, assessing compliance with OJJDP grant requirements, strategic planning through sustainability, restorative practices, youth leadership & empowerment, parent engagement to a whole host of all other programmatic training and technical assistance offerings. Request training and technical assistance at TribalYouth@TLPI.org and please visit the www.TribalYouth.org website.